Braces Mount Kisco NY

Are you or a loved one dealing with tooth spacing, crowding, or crookedness? Orthodontic treatment knows no age or severity of misalignment, and with a selection of braces at Smile Style NY, your dream smile is only a consultation away. Experience a transformation that’s easy, cost-effective, and comfortable from the most trusted braces orthodontist in Westchester.

Our Orthodontic Braces

At Smile Style NY, we offer a variety of braces, each delivered with excellence and dedicated patient care. Choose from:

  • Metal Braces: Time-tested and reliable.
  • Clear Braces: Discreet and effective.

Or need accessible treatment for:

With offices in Mt. Kisco, our orthodontist, Dr. Sharon Eder, welcomes all patients from all over Westchester County. Your initial consultation is FREE, helping you discover the right treatment whether you or your child needs braces for kids, teens, or adult braces in Westchester options.

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What are Braces For?

Braces are orthodontic devices used to address various dental issues and help you achieve a healthier, straighter smile. They are particularly effective in correcting:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Gapped teeth
  • Malocclusions such as overbites, underbites, crossbites, open bites, and overjet (protrusion)

While braces are frequently associated with children and teenagers, adults also frequently use them. A significant portion of orthodontic patients in the United States, approximately 20%, are over the age of 18. Whether you’re seeking orthodontic treatment for yourself or your child, braces can play a crucial role in enhancing oral health and overall well-being.

Metal Braces

At Smile Style NY, metal braces represent a tried-and-true solution for achieving a perfectly aligned, healthy smile. These iconic orthodontic devices have stood the test of time, consistently delivering remarkable results for patients of all ages.

Braces Westchester NY


Effectiveness in Correcting Complex Dental Issues
Metal braces are renowned for their effectiveness in addressing even the most intricate dental problems. They utilize a precise combination of brackets, wires, and elastic bands to apply controlled pressure, gradually moving your teeth into their optimal positions.

Cost-Effective Option
If you’re concerned about the financial aspect of your orthodontic journey, metal braces are often the most cost-effective solution. They provide durability and long-lasting results without the need for frequent replacements or high maintenance costs.

Durability and Sturdiness
Crafted from high-quality stainless steel, metal braces are built to withstand the rigors of your orthodontic treatment. They stay firmly in place throughout the entire process, ensuring consistent progress.

Highly Customizable
Personalize your orthodontic experience by choosing colored elastics. These small, vibrant bands can be added to the braces, allowing you to express your unique style during your treatment.

Minimal Patient Effort
Once metal braces are expertly placed on your teeth, the responsibility for their success primarily lies in maintaining good oral hygiene habits. Regular brushing and flossing, combined with routine appointments with the orthodontist, are typically all that’s required.

Long-Term Benefits
Beyond achieving a beautifully aligned smile, properly aligned teeth offer numerous long-term benefits. These include improved gum health, easier dental care, enhanced speech, better chewing ability, and a boost in self-confidence.

Transformation Process

Metal braces operate by applying controlled pressure to your teeth, encouraging them to shift into their correct positions over time. Typically, metal brace treatment spans anywhere from 18 months to 2 years. During this period, you’ll experience a series of adjustments that help fine-tune the positioning of your teeth.

Our experienced team at Smile Style NY is committed to your progress. We schedule regular appointments every 4 to 6 weeks for adjustments and check-ups. These appointments are essential for tracking your transformation with traditional braces in Westchester NY, ensuring that your treatment stays on course.

Maintaing Oral Health With Metal Braces

During your orthodontic journey with metal braces, it’s crucial to prioritize oral health to ensure a successful outcome. Here are some essential tips to keep your teeth and braces in optimal condition:

  • Maintain a diligent oral hygiene routine, including regular brushing and flossing.
  • Attend your scheduled appointments with our orthodontist for necessary adjustments and check-ups.
  • Our team will provide you with guidance on cleaning techniques tailored to metal braces, ensuring you effectively remove food particles and plaque.
  • A healthy diet that’s mindful of foods that can damage braces is essential for a smooth treatment process.

Clear Braces

Clear braces, a modern orthodontic solution, provide a virtually invisible way to achieve a perfectly aligned smile while seamlessly harmonizing with your natural teeth. At Smile Style NY, we recognize the significance of preserving your confidence throughout your orthodontic journey. Our clear braces in Westchester County NY are meticulously designed using ceramic brackets to deliver exceptional results while minimizing attention to your treatment.

Clear Braces Mount Kisco NY


Inconspicuous Appearance
Clear braces, also known as ceramic braces, are designed to be discreet. Their translucent or enamel-colored brackets and wires make them significantly less noticeable compared to traditional metal braces, allowing you to smile confidently throughout your journey.

Effective Alignment
Clear braces work similarly to metal braces by exerting controlled pressure on your teeth, gently guiding them into their ideal positions. They are highly effective in addressing various dental misalignment issues, including crowding, spacing, and crookedness.

While metal has always been known as a durable material used in brackets, the present ceramic used in clear braces is equally sturdy. Orthodontists may recommend this treatment to patients with mild to severe misalignment issues.

Transformation Process

Your journey with clear braces in Westchester at Smile Style NY is a meticulously structured process to ensure both effective results and a comfortable experience. It begins with a comprehensive consultation, where our experienced orthodontist, Dr. Eder, assesses your dental needs and creates a personalized treatment plan.

When clear braces have been placed on your teeth, we will schedule regular follow-up appointments, typically every 4 to 6 weeks, to monitor your progress and allow for necessary adjustments. Upon completing treatment, your clear braces are removed, revealing your beautifully aligned smile, with the possibility of wearing a retainer to maintain results.

Tips in Taking Care of Your Clear Braces

During your clear braces journey, it’s important to follow these dietary considerations and care tips to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your treatment:

  • Be cautious with sticky, hard, or highly pigmented foods that can affect your braces.
  • Brush your teeth after meals and rinse your mouth to remove trapped food particles.
  • Schedule and attend regular dental check-ups and cleanings.
  • Keep up with scheduled follow-up appointments for adjustments and monitoring.
  • Follow your orthodontist’s instructions regarding retainer use after your clear braces are removed.
  • While clear braces use high-quality ceramic materials at present, you may still want to avoid foods and drinks such as red wine, coffee, tea, and tomato sauce to avoid staining on your teeth or brackets.

Foods to Eat with Metal or Clear Braces

  • Soft and Easy-to-Chew: Foods like cooked vegetables, pasta, and fish are safe to eat with clear braces
  • Dairy Products: Milk, cheese, and yogurt are good choices as they are rich in calcium, which is essential for keeping your teeth and bones healthy during orthodontic treatment.
  • Fruits: Fruits like bananas, grapes, and oranges are good options as they are easy to peel and eat without putting pressure on your clear braces.

Frequently Asked Questions

A. Initially, braces may cause some discomfort or soreness, but this usually subsides within a few days. Dr. Eder may recommend over-the-counter pain medication to manage any discomfort.

A. The length of treatment with metal or clear Westchester braces varies depending on the individual case but typically ranges from 18 to 24 months.

A. While certain foods may need to be avoided or limited during treatment, patients can generally continue to eat and drink normally with braces. The foods you will want to avoid or limit are sticky, hard, and tooth-staining ones that can damage or cause discoloration to your braces.

A. Patients should avoid contact sports and other activities that may pose a risk of injury to the mouth while wearing metal braces.

A. Yes, every patient needs to wear a retainer after their braces are removed to help maintain the results of the treatment. You can choose between fixed or removable retainers to keep your teeth in their new position.

A. Yes, with some adjustments, patients can continue to play musical instruments while wearing metal braces.

Consult Us And Start Your Braces Treatment Today

Orthodontic treatment can significantly enhance your daily comfort, oral health, and self-confidence. Our braces selection at Smile Style NY can effectively correct complex dental issues with a reliable and budget-friendly approach.

Embrace properly aligned teeth with a trusted and experienced orthodontic practice today. Smile Style NY is accessible in Mt. Kisco, NY. Contact us or schedule an appointment online to get a FREE consultation with Dr. Eder.


What Our Patients Say

  • Dr Eder is amazing. We had some issues with my son and his palette expander and she was so understanding and truly GREAT. We are so grateful fro all of her help. HIGHLY recommend her!! -Sasha M

  • Dr. Fine and Dr. Eder can always be relied upon to do a great job. The office is run very professionally. Both of my kids got braces with Dr. Fine and I got invisalign there. All three of us achieved great results. I think in this day and age, it's rare to find a practice that you can continue to reach out to if needed and there's never an extra charge, even years after finishing treatment. I can't recommend them highly enough! -Dawn N

  • “Incredibly helpful, patient, and kind. Cannot recommend them highly enough. They are everything I could ask for.”

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